How to define remix?

Fundamentally, Remix uses some pre-existing things to remake them into new ones (Waysdorf, 2021). The Remix itself is very controversial. When Remix emerged, it was easy for people to associate it with plagiarism and stealing these infamous words. But with the development of the times, these disputes seem to be slowly changing. Since the second half of the 1980s, due to the latest developments in digital technology, the scope and complexity of mixing has been dramatically expanded (Knobel and Lankshear, 2008). The complexity and diversity of Remix also set off a series of artistic changes. Next, I will use some cases to illustrate this point.

1. Adam Lister

The author uses pixelated language to reconstruct Van Gogh’s classic self-portrait. The square geometric elements collide with the flowing watercolour. The particular creative technique makes this masterpiece exude a unique charm that is different from the past.

2.Salvador Dali

Surrealist painter Salvador Dali transformed the mysterious lady in Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” into a male with a moustache. The painter deliberately destroyed the characters in the famous traditional paintings in people’s minds and achieved a surreal artistic presentation.

2.Lucie Kruta

The author of this photographic work began to use the elements in the famous painting to take photos of his daughter five years ago. For example, the creativity in the picture above comes from Infanta Margarita in a White Dress, created by Diego Velasques in 1656. Although the author of this photographic work is not a well-known artist in our wide recognition, she still made an excellent example for us: integrating art into life.


In general, the rise of remix provides a new source of inspiration for contemporary artists’ artistic creations. But this does not seem to be a reason for some people to plagiarize. After all, there is a fundamental difference between borrowing and plagiarism. As students, we should learn how to learn from the works of predecessors more creatively and integrate our unique ideas with the results of predecessors to spark better sparks.


Reference list:


Knobel, M. and Lankshear, C., 2008. Remix: The Art and Craft of Endless Hybridization. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 52(1), pp.22-33.


Waysdorf, A., 2021. Remix in the age of ubiquitous remix. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, p.135485652199445.


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