1. Brief

According to brief requirements, I need to choose one of several major topics besides food as my research topic. Therefore, I have carried out some thinking diffusion on various topics.

After analyzing different topics, I chose the clothing waste of fast fashion brands in Waste as the topic of my research.


2.Research Content

— Introduction to topic selection

— Background

What is fast fashion?

— The waste of fast fashion

The harm caused by fast fashion

  1. Hazards before consumption

    2. Climate hazard


        Due to the low cost of fast fashion, the choice of clothing materials is also biased towards low-cost cotton fabrics.       

        Cotton fabrics will cause serious damage to the environment during planting and subsequent processing.

— Fast fashion marketing strategy

— Fast fashion marketing strategy

But organic cotton adds value at every stage of the production process and produces environmental and social benefits. The organic cotton industry will affect the scope of the retail industry and also bring benefits to producers


— User group research

According to a number of survey reports, millennials and Generation Z are the main target groups of fast fashion today, but these generations are also characterized by their awareness of social trends, environmental degradation and political issues(Taylor, 2021).


According to a survey report by McKinsey & Company, one-third of young women are the largest consumer group of fast fashion, thinking that wearing clothes once or twice is old(Fast fashion is on the rampage, with the UK at the head of the charge, 2021).


the Guardian. 2021. Fast fashion is on the rampage, with the UK at the head of the charge. [online] Available at: <https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2019/jun/21/fast-fashion-is-on-the-rampage-with-uk-at-the-head-of-the-charge> [Accessed 23 August 2021].


Taylor, S., 2021. Customer Experience lessons in Fast-Fashion. [online] Yomdel.com. Available at: <https://www.yomdel.com/blog/fast-fashion-customer-experience> [Accessed 23 August 2021].


— Research direction of the final project

Based on the preliminary research on user groups and fast fashion waste phenomenon, I roughly delineated the direction of my final project as: using design to help contemporary young people effectively reduce the wasteful behavior of fast fashion brand clothing, and find some meaningful ways to renew Use the old clothes they want to discard. So as to achieve the purpose of reducing waste and protecting the environment


— Ways to dispose of used clothes

Trying to get Londoners to recycle their clothes

Prato, a small town in Italy, relies on transforming old clothes into new clothes

3.  Preliminary video structure

  • introduction + research problem 
  • background + problem identity
  • value+meaning
  • research + development
  • solutions,audiences
  • plans & schedules

Introduction + research problem
About pitch for project/final project, my area of interest is fast fashion fabric waste. The research question is: How to use design to reduce textile waste in the fast fashion clothing industry?


Background + problem identity
Explain what is the fast fashion industry, where the fabric waste in the fast fashion industry is reflected (video/picture (news report/documentary) + data) and the reasons for the waste (video/picture (news report/documentary)).


1. Reduce environmental pollution (several aspects, carbon emissions, acid rain, etc.)
2. Promote global sustainable development


solutions, consider audiences
1. Design a website
2.redesign’s brand
3. Promotional films/public welfare films and other forms to publicize the hazards of the fast fashion fabric production process, so as to achieve insufficient purchase


plans & schedules

In the future, we will do more research, development, and final solution future research: first-hand and second-hand (questionnaires, interviews, documentary books, etc.) to further narrow the scope of the subject development: according to the reduced subject scope, design routes and feedback routes to audiences, choose the best solution: production steps, reference research, sketch to finished draft

4.  Thinking iteration

Based on the preliminary video structure, I analyzed in detail the possible scenes in the video. I find it difficult to express what I plan to communicate with the established time of 30 seconds. So I decided to change the way the video is edited.

In the new plan, I want to adopt a metaphorical way to imply the scene that I want to express to the audience by interspersing the virtual picture with the actual image to give the audience a specific visual impact.

5. Final Film


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