Project 1 On My Way


In brief1, I choose to create my life map


Therefore, I selected eight different important sites of life to summarize my life map.


The eight sites are: hospital-birth, childhood park, elementary school, middle school, university, current home, and hospital-the darkest time.

My Personal Image

First of all, I used simple strokes to summarize and create a Personal portrait based on my appearance and image. 

Secondly, according to the map in real life, I used gray, white, and black blocks to summarize the river, grass, and buildings. 

At the same time, try to merge two different graphic elements.

In the first version, consider combining personal image graphics with map color blocks

Draft One
Draft One
Draft Two
Draft Two

3D vision example

In the final rendering, I used sketchup to give a three-dimensional visual effect to the flat map


simple strokes

In addition, by hand-painting some simple strokes, I drew some small icons to represent the location I selecte.


Some lines composed of squares represent doors and windows


Some shapes made up of small dots, lines represent the rooftop


Next, I combined the above elements into my second verison

Finally, after communication with my tutor and careful consideration, the original two visual versions were enriched in detail and combined to create the final version.

And using different permutations and combinations of blocks of different colors to suggest the map timeline:from my birth to now

The final version


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